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EAC unveils the first regional e-Tariff software in Africa

The East African Community, in partnership with the World Customs Organization and the EU-WCO HS-Africa

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EAC unveils the first regional e-Tariff software in Africa

The East African Community, in partnership with the World Customs Organization and the EU-WCO HS-Africa Programme, funded by the European

Customs Tin Can Command impounds 11 riffles, 6 pistols, heroine, others

The Nigeria Customs Service, Tincan Island Port Command, has intercepted 11 rifles, 6 pistols alongside their ammunition and heroine, among

Customs release 15 trucks of seized food items to owners

The development is in line with the directive from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Compt. Mohammed inspects Illela border ahead of official re-opening

Urges collaboration between security services and stakeholders at the border station, particularly in the areas of exchanging intelligence and information

Kerry Logistics acquires a majority stake in Business By Air

BBA has been Kerry Logistics’ agent in France since 2016 and specialises with industrial clients encompassing verticals like automotive, aerospace,

Customs grants owners of “improperly imported vehicles” 90 days to pay duties

This initiative applies solely to vehicles imported into Nigeria where the requisite customs duty has not been fulfilled or vehicles

Nigeria Customs Service partners EU to facilitate trade and monitor exports

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has partnered with the European Union's (EU) Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD)

Customs Apapa Command rakes in N16bn in one day

The figure surpasses the N11.3 billion earned on November 22, 2023, and is the greatest daily revenue collection in the