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EAC unveils the first regional e-Tariff software in Africa

The East African Community, in partnership with the World Customs Organization and the EU-WCO HS-Africa

Lasted Global News

Indian Navy rescues ship MV RUEN hijacked by Somali pirates

The Navy made use of high-altitude long endurance (HALE) unmanned aerial vehicles, frontline warships INS Kolkata and INS Subhadra, and

Kerry Logistics acquires a majority stake in Business By Air

BBA has been Kerry Logistics’ agent in France since 2016 and specialises with industrial clients encompassing verticals like automotive, aerospace,

CMA CGM completes Bolloré Group acquisition

This is the largest acquisition since its formation.

Lars Jordahn appointed as new Maersk Air Cargo boss

Jordahn will succeed Peter Corfitsen as chief executive officer. who will be moving into a new position at Maersk.

EU okays acquisition of Bolloré Logistics by CMA CGM

CMA CGM Group entered into exclusive negotiations with the Bolloré Group to acquire Bolloré Logistics’ transportation and logistics activities in

Ian Saunders officially takes office as new Secretary General of the World Customs Organization

The World Customs Organization (WCO) is celebrating a significant milestone today with the official inauguration of Mr. Ian Saunders as

Cargo Handling: Maersk aims to reduce human footprints with artificial intelligence

Danish shipping and logistics company, Maersk said it will be reducing the human footprint on supply chains and let artificial

China overtakes Greece as largest shipowner by gross tonnage

China has surpassed Greece as the world’s largest shipowner for the first time in terms of tonnage, according to the