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EAC unveils the first regional e-Tariff software in Africa

The East African Community, in partnership with the World Customs Organization and the EU-WCO HS-Africa

Lasted Port News

WACT commissions new Container Freight Station in Onne, Nigeria

WACT says the facility will support streamlined procedures for export and import activities, saving clients money and time.

Customs Tin Can Command impounds 11 riffles, 6 pistols, heroine, others

The Nigeria Customs Service, Tincan Island Port Command, has intercepted 11 rifles, 6 pistols alongside their ammunition and heroine, among

Swissport Tanzania bags IATA CEIV Fresh certification

Swissport becomes the only air cargo handler at Julius Nyerere International Airport that meet this requirement.

Portsmouth International Port switches to solar power

Forward-thinking in their renewable ambitions and how solar can be integrated into operational sites, the UK's Portsmouth port has launched

Customs launches compliance trading platform

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) on Thursday announced it has launched a compliance trading platform for registered economic enterprises. The

Onne Multipurpose Terminal completes unloading NLNG Bonny cargo

In a bid to enhance Nigeria's natural gas processing and export capacity, Onne Multipurpose Terminal (OMT) in collaboration with Horatio

Apapa Customs Command collects N502.9b from January to July 2023

The Apapa Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) said that it generated N502.9B billion from Apapa port and within

We are reviewing operations at ports and borders — customs CG

The Acting Comptroller-General of Customs Bashir Adeniyi, says the Management of the Service is reviewing its operations at the ports