One of the font related problems Nigerians usually encounter when either typing or designing an e-commerce Naira based website is the Naira currency symbol (₦).
In most cases, Naira users sort to using the hash symbol (#), letter (N) or (NGN) in place of Naira symbol.
As a lover of Naira and our currency, BigNaira team searched online for list of fonts that support the Naira (U+20A6) symbol so you don’t have to worry no more!
See the list below:
- Arial
- Arimo
- Calibri
- Cambria
- Charter
- Code2000
- Consolas
- Courier
- Cousine
- DejaVu Sans
- Droid Sans
- EversonMono
- FreeMono
- FreeSans
- FreeSerif
- Gentium
- Helvetica
- Liberation Sans
- Lucida Sans
- Open Sans
- Roboto
- Rupakara
- Segoe UI
- Source Code Pro
- Tahoma
- Tinos
- Verdana
BigNaira site is currently using Open Sans and it’s been awesome.
Other fonts we have found performed very well are Roboto, Arial, Helvetica Neue and Source Code Pro.
Let us know which font you are using to showcase the Naira symbol on your site or project